• Modern Business: The Indispensable Role of Mobile Applications

    Apr 26 2023

    Mobile apps are no longer just a trend; they have become an integral part of modern businesses.

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  • What are improvements in .NET development ?

    Apr 25 2023

    Improvements have made it easier for developers to create high-quality .NET applications that are more scalable, more secure, and more performant.

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  • How to choose best technology for your product development?

    Apr 24 2023

    There are many factors to consider, including the technology's suitability for your software product development, the expertise and experience of your development team, and the cost of development.

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  • Which are 30 technologies that every .NET developer should master?

    Apr 23 2023

    Explore the essential 30 technologies and skills that a .NET developer must master to build robust web and software applications across various platforms.

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  • Types of validation controls in ASP.NET

    Apr 21 2023

    Validation controls are an essential part of ASP.NET development. They enable developers to validate user input on the client-side and server-side to ensure that the input data is correct, complete, and secure.

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  • Choosing Between Building or Buying Software

    Apr 20 2023 By: Mark

    In today's business world, software is an essential component for success, and making a decision to either build or buy software is a crucial decision that organizations have to make.

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  • How to speed up ASP.NET applications?

    Apr 19 2023

    To speed up an ASP.NET application, you can use several techniques such as caching, image optimization, using a CDN, minifying CSS and JavaScript, using asynchronous programming, optimizing database queries, using a profiler, using a faster web server, and compression. By following these best practices, you can reduce the amount of time it takes for your application to load and improve its overall performance.

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  • How Hyperledger Fabric is being used for enterprise application?

    Apr 19 2023

    Hyperledger Fabric is an open-source enterprise-grade permissioned distributed ledger technology (DLT) platform. It is a modular architecture that allows for the customization of various aspects of the ledger, including consensus protocols, privacy, and smart contract execution.

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